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Proficient Reading: 40%

Distinguished Reading: 13%

Proficient Math: 33%

Distinguished Math: 10%

Middle School

Proficient Reading: 34%

Distinguished Reading: 21%

Proficient Math: 40%

Distinguished Math: 10%

High School

Proficient Reading: 47%

Distinguished Reading: 6%

Proficient Math: 40%

Distinguished Math: 2%

Proficient Reading: 40%

Distinguished Reading: 13%

Proficient Math: 33%

Distinguished Math: 10%

Proficient Reading: 47%

Distinguished Reading: 6%

Proficient Math: 40%

Distinguished Math: 2%

Proficient Reading: 34%

Distinguished Reading: 21%

Proficient Math: 40%

Distinguished Math: 10%

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Go Bookin' with Your Bestie!

HCHS Library is offering a new reading challenge, and it is the perfect time to accept it!  
Here’s how it works:
You and a friend choose to check out and read a book together (must be from the HCHS Library and can’t be one that is assigned for class) and when you are done, each of you submits a Bookin’ with my Bestie! contest entry form.  
Beginning with December, each month one lucky pair will be selected to win free food of your choice (up to $10 value) from a local vendor.  Also, each pair who submits an entry will be entered into a drawing for a same-day field trip of your choice at the end of the year.  
So, go grab your “Bestie”, your “buddy”, or your “BFF”.  Come choose a book and have fun reading together!  
To complete the entry form online, go to

Library Items for Distance Learners

HCHS Library wants to accommodate all student readers.  
For now, Distance Learners may access print copies by requesting these via email or placing holds through their online library accounts.  Once an item is ready to picked up, an email will be sent to the Distance Learner's student email account notifying him or her.  Items may be picked up in the front lobby any weekday from 8-2.  Upon return, these items will be quarantined for 4 days before re-entering circulation.
On a case-by-case basis, any student in good standing (without already overdue items) may be allowed to check out 2 items in addition to assigned class novels.  With eBooks coming in the near future, the best place for a Distance Learner to start is to set up a library account.  Please access the video Create A Library Account for instructions on how to do that and the benefits that go with having an online library account.
If you need further assistance, please contact Karen Stairs.



Accessing eBooks

If accessing resources outside of school, you may need login credentials.

Contact Mrs. Stairs for assistance.

Archived News


KYVL provides access to over 60 encyclopedias, full text and citation databases as well as test prep and skill-building resources, How to Do Research tutorials and more. Contact Mrs. Stairs for a username and password to use KYVL at home.

HCHS Library on Remind: Text @gh9a4b to 81010

Karen Stairs

HCHS Media Specialist

270-653-4044 ext 2001/2295